John Tucci
Owner /Creator
Growing up immersed in film, I was captivated and inspired by filmmakers like John Hughes, Sofia Coppola, Terrance Malick, David Lynch and Cameron Crowe. Their supreme ability to convey drama, romance and emotion in every frame made me wonder if I could ever tell stories the same way. A love for film and the creative arts carried me to the New York Film Academy with a focus on Editing. Trying to find the right fit for all of my creative aspirations, Ancient Eye Media began by producing music videos, trailers and web ads.
There was something missing.
I wanted to be able to somehow mimic the other great filmmakers’ ability to capture that same passion, beauty and grace in real life candid situations.
Wedding films provide that platform where we can play a part in telling your story in the most honest and heartfelt way.
The documentary will be carried and told through your own words with the best shots from your day overlaying the story. You'll see vintage clips from old films spliced into the documentary and you'll soon begin to feel parallels of past classics such as “Splendor in the Grass” and "Say Anything" all while keeping a modern and progressive mood. Your story will be filled with the same real love and raw emotion often found in the big screen gems of years past.